Sometimes, when you make a clean Windows XP installation with outdated updates like Service Pack 2 or even Service Pack 3, maybe even an older version of Windows XP and try to install the audio driver you will get an error like this one: “Media device not found” or this one: “Driver Installation Failed: Could not find Media device for this driver”. This is not the only scenario where you can meet the error. For example, it doesn’t have to be a fresh install of Windows, it can even be a broken driver of an older installed system and when you are trying to install/re-install the audio driver you get the errors I mentioned before. This depends on the previous settings and if you have or not UAA update module installed.
This error does not have a lot to do with the version of Windows you have installed, but it’s more about the dependencies of the Audio driver for the laptop or computer model you are trying to install. In short, it doesn’t matter what you have installed. If you face this issue and want to quickly fix it, just jump to the solution and try to apply one of the three existing fixes. Probably installing the UAA BUS driver will make your audio driver work but still, consider the others too.
I’ve noticed that this happens mostly on Lenovo/IBM laptops, for example R400 and T400 but this is not the only brand or model that can host such errors.
The problem is that the audio driver you are trying to install has some dependencies of another Windows component, a module called UAA (Universal Audio Architecture).
It is not the only possible cause for this problem but it is the one that shows up most frequently.
If you want to find out more about UAA and what does it do and you don’t really need the solution to bypass the error presented in this article you will have to read this article:
As a simple scenario for you, let’s say you have a fresh copy of Windows, just installed. You reach the step of installing drivers. You will probably install a few (if you don’t start with audio driver) before you reach the audio driver, where you will notice you can’t install it and you will see one of below errors:
- Media device not found
- Driver Installation Failed: Could not find Media device for this driver
Now, if by any chance you would try to complete this in a different order, let’s say install network card driver, do the settings for Internet, run Windows Update which might also install among of the rest of the updates, this UAA BUS driver that you need. Then you would skip the errors, but again, if this was the case you would probably not be here reading this article. After Windows Updates you would continue with audio driver and the rest of the drivers and everything would be ok. This is good to know for future cases if you want to buy some time because most of the times, you will do the Windows Updates anyway, and just probably a little bit later.
I lost a lot of time when I encountered this error just by avoiding Windows updates, knowing that it will take a lot of time and trying to postpone the process until really needed. I also lost another part of time just by searching for different audio drivers, latest and older, thinking that the audio driver is the actual problem and not a dependency it has. I recommend you to install the latest driver, most of the times it is the best option.
You should also check for a service called: Windows Audio to be set on service status: “started” and start-up type “Automatic”.
To resume all of the above:
- Windows Audio service must be set to “Started” and “Automatic” (this is not a must, depending of the software installed, service pack and Windows version this can be missing or stopped too, but we have to mention it)
Latest audio driver. If you get the above error using the latest Audio driver downloaded for your laptop/computer model you can go ahead and download the UAA BUS driver, install it and then try to install the Audio driver once again. If you don’t have the latest driver, get it and try with it also.
Download UAA BUS Driver. This will fix you issue without any doubts, especially if the other two options failed or they do not apply (missing/outdated/etc.). To download it, go here: By clicking this link you can go straight to the download page of Microsoft Universal Audio Architecture (UAA) Bus Driver for High Definition Audio (sp33867), which is what you need to be able to run your audio driver. If you have problems with the page, contact me and I will provide an updated link for download of the UAA BUS Driver.
I will also be more than happy to assist you in any different scenario, so contact me if you need any help with this issue.
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